Tuesday 16 October 2018

Watch It All About

A reader wrote to me, lamenting that he could hardly appreciate his collection of watches that were mainly kept in the bank vaults. I suggested that he could pick up a couple of pieces from the bank every week or so, and bring them home to be caressed and TLC-ed for.

He replied that it was too tedious a process to go all the way to the bank, fight for a parking spot, and end up with 2 pieces of watches in his pocket to be brought home. At last count, he shared that he had about 30 pieces of luxury watches in there.

Well, I specially took this pictures to show you then. You could travel at relative ease and transport 14 pieces of watch at one go, with this lightweight and sturdy aluminium case made for transporting watches. It ain't big and bulky like the industrial Pelican case (which would attract too much attention brought to the bank), and would be relatively easy to bring in and out.

So there you have it, shaken, not stirred.

1 comment:

  1. Where can get the same watch case? Looking rugged. How much?
