Thursday 10 May 2018

What Time Is It? Time For Change?

I'm sure that many readers have a late morning too since many of us would have stayed up till almost 5am waiting for the election results to be out. And we have all witnessed history in the making. The ruling party that had been the top dog for 60 years was defeated by a younger opposition party led by the oldest opposition leader in the world. This has the story of David vs Goliath all over it, albeit with more drama and trickery associated with the GE14.

In any case, a new dawn has come. And with it, new hope.

I told my wife that we would celebrate with a bit more splendour this morning.

She said, "Why not wait until after GST is abolished?"

I had to chuckle a lil' bit. She's a witty one, alright.

And with the start of the new era, I wore the more special Daytona with its glittering Infinity Stones. Sounds like a good match for today. Enjoy your day, fellow readers...


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